La construcción de procesos formativos en educación no formal

La construcción de procesos formativos en educación no formal

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La construcción de procesos formativos en educación no formal

ISBN 978-84-277-1443-4
Orriak 336
Urtea 2011
Argitaletxea Narcea
Saila Pedagogía / Educación

CONSTRUCTION OF FORMATIVE PROCESSES IN NON FORMAL EDUCATION - This book proposes a theoretical-practical itinerary to qualify those who dedicate themselves from very different projects, in non formal education: animation of children and youth, intercultural work, intervention with youth in risky situations, occupational training, community development, environmental education, education for peace, adult education, etc.

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The work presents, revises, updates and evaluates the initiatives developed in this sense in the last 30 years and presents an educative model, perfectly systematized and interrelated from the pedagogical and methodological points of view, adapted to this new form of learning that is developed in the area of non formal education, having always in mind the groups implicated in these formative processes.

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